Do you want to be one of our teachers?

Register and start teaching


We like daring and dynamic people like you. That's why, if you want to be a teacher with us, we request your CV video ...

... but tranquil @! If you want, we can help you create yours.

  • Take advantage of your time and choose your perfect teacher

Choose the place, the time, the price and the modality of your course. Visualize the calendars of the teachers and their modalities of classes. You choose the place; at home, at your teacher's house, at work, outdoors ...

  •   Online Teachers

You can choose the nationality of your teacher and the place where he teaches his classes. You only need a webcam and an Internet connection

Online Technology, digital whiteboard and shared documents

Your online classes will always be of high quality. HD video conferences, multi-screen system, digital whiteboard, shared documents, class recording for later revisions ...

  • Modality of classes, face to face and online classes

Individual or group classes. Talk, chat or simply listen to the teacher.

Do you want to be one of our teachers?

Sign up and take advantage of TeachVLearn.

You can give both, Face Classes and Online Classes.

For your online classes, we give you the opportunity to use our platform. With it you will have innumerable advantages.

  • You can contact students from anywhere in the world.
  • You can teach several students at the same time.
  • You will have at your disposal the best technology; multi-screen class, class recording, file sharing ...

All this will give you the tools to multiply your number of students.

At the same time, your contact information will be available to anyone who is searching for a teacher and they can directly contact you. Neither teacher nor student will make any payment for this service. Teacher and student could contact each other, without TeachVLearn having any income for this service.

The mode of payment of the lessons, will be agreed between teacher and student. TeachVLearn, will not participate at any time in this process, simply, will provide the contact data of the selected teacher.

Only, in the event that a reservation is made to make an online class, TeachVLearn will receive an income. This corresponds to the service for the use of the platform. It will be 10% of the price of the teacher's class, up to a maximum of € 2 per person who is receiving the lesson and a total maximum of 10€ per session, regardless of the number of students who may be receiving the class at the same time .

For example, a teacher who is doing a lesson of 15€, two people located in different places at the same time, would be discounted 3€ for this service.

15€ X 2 students = 30€,  30€ X10% = 3€

This percentage will vary depending on the number of classes taught by each teacher, being reduced step by step, from a number of classes.

TeachVLearn will receive the payment by the student, once this, make the reservation. After receiving the class, a small assessment will be done to the student. In case of receiving a positive evaluation of the course, TeachVLearn will charge its services of this amount, transferring the remaining amount to the professor. In case of receiving a negative evaluation of the course, TeachVLearn will review the video of the class and decide, if indeed the quality of the class, has been sufficient. If not, TeachVLearn, will return the full amount of the class to the student, not perceiving any amount, nor TeachVLearn, nor the teacher in question.At the end of the month, TeachVLearn will make a single payment to the teachers, which will include the total amount to be received according to the classes held that same month by the teacher.

Currently and at least until 01/01/2024 this service will be FREE, TeachVLearn will not receive any amount and the only difference between the amount of the class and the amount received by the teacher will correspond to the possible commissions that may be produced when performing bank transfers.

We recommend that you make your CV Video so that your presentation is the most direct and enjoyable for the students. The platform, will take into account this aspect when ordering the searches of the students, appearing first in the list, teachers who have made their CV Video.

When you sign up, you can make your calendar and schedule. This can be modified at any time. You can always adapt to your needs.

You decide your prices, offers, maximum number of students, type of class ...

You can give classes to a student from the other part of the world, you will make the most of the potential of online classes and, at the same time, any student from your neighborhood will be able to look for you and contact you for free, for their face-to-face classes.

They can search for you through the search map. In this way, in addition to looking for the subject that you want to learn, the student will be able to easily select their potential teachers for their face-to-face classes or the nationality and residence of their on-line teacher.

They can also search for you through the calendar search. In this way, in addition to looking for the material you want to learn, the student can easily select the teachers available on the days he wants to receive his classes.

You can make offers for class bonds, for number of students ... For example, you can give a class to several students from the same school, which they have agreed to when looking for a teacher, or several friends, or simply people who are willing to receive online classes in a group, each of these people being at home, or simply connected in different places.

You create your offers

Online classes

Take advantage of the opportunities of online classes. Multiply your number of students. Get students from anywhere, from the world, groups of students ...

Face to face classes

Become visible for free. Neither student nor teacher will pay to get in touch.

Publicitate for free.

Organize your time

Create your schedule and calendar.

Give your classes from wherever you want.