Privacy Policy

1. General

TeachVLearn SCP (address XXX) (hereinafter "T.V.L.", "we" or "our"), acting as data controller, is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This document (the "Privacy Policy") is designed to inform you about our practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of the information you provide us through this website (the "Website") ).

This Privacy Policy (together with our Terms and Conditions and the rest of the documents referred to in them and in our Cookies Policy establishes the framework according to which your personal data will be collected and processed.) Read this text carefully so that understand our position and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat them.

2. What information do we collect?

We can collect and process the following information about you:

2.1 Information that you provide us

You may provide us with information, including information that may identify you ("personal data"), when you use the Website when filling out your forms (such as the registration form), when you enter any of our courses, promotions or surveys or when you contact us by phone, email or in any other way, as well as when you inform us of any problem on our Website.

The information you provide may contain:

2.1.1 Required information required to register for the service that we provide on our Website or to access other of our services; These data include your name, email, date of birth, gender, a password and depending on the cases, mobile phone number, CIF, DNI or equivalent. All these fields are obligatory. TeachVLearn will not be able to provide you with the services offered on our website if you do not give us the necessary information to create a user account on our Website;

2.1.2 A photograph.

2.1.3 A postal address.

2.1.4 Information about your course.

2.1.5 Your mini-biography.

2.1.6 A record of correspondence that you have maintained with us.

2.1.7 A record of any course reservation that you make or any announcement of course that you publish through our Web.

2.1.8 Details on economic or accounting transactions, including operations carried out through our website or any other means. This may include information such as, for example, your payment card or bank details, information regarding courses booked or offered through our Website.

2.1.9 Details of your visits to our Website and the contents you access.

2.1.10 Your answers to our surveys or questionnaires, such as your evaluations about the courses you have received with other members of our community. This information can be used for purposes of analysis and study of user behavior.

2.1.11 Information that we may request when you report a problem with our Website or our service, such as the cause of your request for assistance.

2.1.12 Information about your location, as long as you have given your consent to the collection and processing of this data.

2.2 Information that we collect automatically

2.2.1 If you register using social media authentication methods, TeachVLearn will have access to certain personal data (eg name, surname, photo, email, number of friends on Facebook, etc.) of your account. in said social network, in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions. We collect some of your personal data when you interact with the functions of social networks, such as the "Like" tab.

2.2.2 With respect to each of your visits to our Website, we may collect, in accordance with the applicable legislation and, when necessary, with your consent, information regarding the devices you use and the networks to which you connect when you use our services. This can include the following information: your IP address, connection information, browser type and version, types and versions of the plugins or add-ons of your browser, operating system and platform, information about your visit including the detailed history of the URL to , through and from our Website, products that you have seen or searched, download errors, duration of visits to certain pages, interactions with the page and phone number from which you have called us. We collect this information using different technologies, including cookies (for more information, see our Cookies Policy.

2.2.3 We also collect global information about your activity on our platform (such as, for example, the number of courses offered, your response time to messages, etc.). This information can be published in your public profile on our platform.

3. How do we use the information we collect?

We will use the information collected in order to:

3.1 comply with our obligations under the contracts we sign between you and us and to provide you with the information and services you request;

3.2 send you information regarding our services by email and / or text message and / or any other means of communication (eg your reservation confirmation);

3.3 to receive the payments you make or to transfer to you the payments that we have collected in your name;

3.4 to allow you to customize your user profile on our platform;

3.5 to allow you to communicate and interact with other members about our services or about the courses you are going to share or have shared with other members and / or to organize such courses;

3.6 to give you access to our support services and to allow you to communicate with our member relations team;

3.7 to guarantee compliance with (i) the applicable legislation, (ii) our Terms and Conditions, (iii) Privacy Policy (iv) and Code of Good Conduct. Certain breaches that we consider inappropriate may lead to the suspension of your account;

3.8 to send you, in accordance with the applicable legislation and, when necessary, with your consent, marketing messages and information necessary to facilitate the service or the reservation process and to offer you suggestions and recommendations on goods and related services that may interest you . We also use your data to send you direct mail on your social media platforms. To obtain more detailed information about its operation and about the data we obtain, visit the corresponding sections of the social media platforms;

3.9 to notify you of any change in our services;

3.10 to administer our Web and for internal operations, including problem solving, data analysis, testing, research and surveys;

3.11 to ensure that content is presented in the most effective way for you and your device;

3.12 to allow you to participate in the interactive functions of our service, when you request it;

3.13 as part of our efforts to keep our Website secure and safe;

3.14 to measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising we send to you and third parties, and to send you information that may be of interest to you.

4. Who are the recipients of the information we collect about you and for what purpose?

4.1 When you use our services, certain information about you is shared with relevant members of our communities, both in your public profile and during the booking process, only in what is necessary for the provision of the service (eg, we give your phone number to the members with whom you are going to share some type of course).

4.2 We can receive and send information about you, including your personal data, if you make use of other websites or Apps that we operate or of other entities of TeachVLearn or companies affiliated to it, for the purposes stipulated in this Privacy Policy.

4.3 We also work closely with third parties that may be recipients of your personal data, for example:

• our business partners that are social network platforms and can provide related services, such as connecting your profile information, from their social media platforms to our platform.

• our business partners who can advertise their services on our Website and to whom you can choose to subscribe. These may consist, in particular, of any service related to ours, such as insurance, banking and rental services. For example, we may give some of your information to the insurer with whom we collaborate, XXX, in order to confirm your eligibility in our insurance program.

• our business partners, who can advertise our services on their web pages.

• our technical service, payment and shipping subcontractors, analytical solution providers or credit entities.

4.4 We will only disclose your personal data to third parties mentioned in articles 4.2. and 4.3. above indicated in the following cases:

• 4.4.1 When the participation of another service provider is necessary for the fulfillment of any contract that we subscribe with you, in order to facilitate or extend our services (eg, if we charge any type of charge or you pay us any amount in relation to the services provided on the Website);

• 4.4.2 As part of the reservation process and in order to provide the requested services, we can publish on the Website and / or transmit to an instructor (if you teach or share a course and always depending on the modality of the chosen service) or to a student (if you are a recipient or share a course and always depending on the chosen modality), certain information, such as your name, photograph, presentation video (if you have decided to do it), mobile phone number and / or email.

• 4.4.3 As part of our rating system, the ratings you write will be published on the Website. These evaluations, including your abbreviated name and your photograph and presentation video (in case you have decided to do it), will be visible to all who visit the Website.

• 4.4.4 We use analytical service providers and search engines to help us improve and optimize our Website.

• 4.4.5 When you expressly request it (for example, when you use the authentication methods provided by social networks).

• 4.4.6 We may distribute parts of our platform (including courses that you have published) so that other websites of our business partners can publish them through APIs or widgets. In such cases, certain pages of your public profile may appear on these web pages; 4.4.7 In addition, TeachVLearn may disclose your information when legally required or when we believe in good faith that such access, protection or disclosure is reasonably necessary to (i) respond to a claim against TeachVLearn, (ii) comply with legal procedures, (iii) to enforce a contract with our users, in accordance with our Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy, our Code of Good Conduct, (iv) in the event of an emergency that entails a danger to public health, death or physical harm to a person (v) in the framework of an investigation or (vi) to protect the rights, property or personal safety of TeachVLearn, its members or other persons;

• 4.4.8 In the event that we sell or acquire any business or asset, in which case we may disclose your personal information to the potential seller or buyer, in accordance with applicable regulations

• 4.4.9 If TeachVLearn or all or part of its assets is acquired by a third party, in which case the personal data that we maintain will be one of the assets transferred.

4.5 In accordance with the applicable legislation and, when necessary, with your consent (in this case, by accepting this Privacy Policy you grant your consent in this regard), we may combine information about you, including your personal data and information obtained through cookies and that we receive or send to our business partners. We may use such information and combined information for the purposes set forth above.

4.6 It should be noted that, if you decide to share your information with us, including your personal data, through the connection services made available to you by our business partners, your policies and / or privacy notices will be equally applicable to you, in addition to this Privacy Policy. We do not control the collection or processing of your information by our business partners on their own platform.5. How do we use and moderate your messages?

5.1 We may review, scan or analyze the messages that you exchange with other members of our community through our Websites, for the purposes of fraud prevention, service improvement, customer assistance and compliance with the contracts signed with our members (such as ours). Terms and Conditions). For example, in order to prevent a member from escaping our online booking system, we can scan and analyze the messages sent through our platform to verify that they do not include contact information or references to another web page.

5.2 We never scan or analyze your messages with other members of our community for commercial or advertising purposes. We can use automatic methods in order to moderate these messages.

6. Direct advertising and in our communications sent by email or SMS

In accordance with the applicable legislation and, if necessary, with your consent, we may use the information you provide on our Website for direct electronic marketing purposes (eg (i) to receive our newsletters, invitations to our events or other communications that we create may be of interest to you, or (ii) to send you direct advertising on social media platforms or third party sites and applications).

As regards professional emails: you can withdraw your consent at any time (i) by deactivating the corresponding box in your member account, (ii) by clicking on the unsubscribe link that we provide in each of the communications that TeachVLearn sends you or (iii) by contacting us through the contact information provided in section 13 below.

With regard to direct mail:

(i) On social media platforms (eg Facebook, Twitter): you can oppose data processing at all times by configuring the parameters related to the advertising of your account;

(ii) On third party sites or applications: You can read our Cookies Policy to understand how to withdraw your consent.

7. Are we going to transfer your information, how and where?

We keep the personal information we collect about you within the European Union ("EU"). Given that we are an international company, it is possible that the personal data we collect about you, as part of the services we offer you through the Website, will be transferred to non-European countries where data protection laws may imply a level of protection lower than the legislation in force in your country of residence.

This occurs when one of our data processors is outside the EU, such as the United States. We will be able to resort to this responsible for, among other things, the fulfillment of your request for service, the moderation of the photographs in your user account, the processing of your payment data, the provision of marketing and advertising services, and the provision of assistance services through electronic communications.

This also applies to TeachVLearn affiliated companies located outside the EU (if any) to which we may transfer part of your information for the provision of our services in these countries.

When said data transmission takes place, we guarantee that it is produced in accordance with this Privacy Policy and that it is regulated by standard contractual clauses for this type of practices, approved by the European Commission, which guarantee adequate protection of the interested parties.

At your request, we can provide you with a list of the countries in which your information is stored and / or to which we may transfer it at any given time.

8. What rights can you exercise with respect to your personal data?

8.1 When the Law allows it, you may have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data in our possession. Before responding to your request, we may ask you to (i) verify your identity and (ii) provide us with more detailed information so that we can better respond to your request. We will try to respond within a reasonable period of time and, in any case, within the period required by the Law. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us through the contact information that we provide you later ( see section 13).

8.2 As a member of our Website, you can access your personal data that is in our possession through your account, to correct, modify, or delete information that is not correct. You must provide us with accurate, correct and complete information for your online account, as well as keep it updated. You can update or delete your personal data, or oppose a specific treatment, by contacting us through the contact information that we provide you later (see section 13).

Keep in mind that in certain cases we can keep some of your data, if required by law or if we have legitimate reasons for it. For example, if we consider that you have committed a fraud or that you have violated our Terms and Conditions, we may want to keep some of your information to prevent you from circumventing the rules applicable to our Community.

9. Cookies & similar technologies

To learn more in this regard, you can see our Cookies Policy.

10. Confidentiality of your password

When you decide to establish a password to access certain parts of our Website, it will be your responsibility to keep it secret. Please, do not reveal your password to anyone.

11. Links to other websites and social networks

Our Website may contain, at certain times, links to, and from, web pages of our associated networks, advertisers and partners. If you follow a link to any of these web pages, keep in mind that they have their own privacy policies and that we are not responsible for them. Always check these policies before giving them any personal information.

12. Modifications to our privacy policy

Any modification we make to our Privacy Policy will be published on this page. When appropriate, we will notify you or ask for your consent. Please check frequently if there is any update or modification in our Privacy Policy.

13. Contact

If at any time you wish to contact us to tell us your opinion regarding our privacy practices, or in relation to any query about your personal data, you can do so through our contact page or by sending us a letter to the address mentioned above. beginning of this document. Version of November 30, 2016 • About TeachVLearn • Work with us • Press Room Terms & Privacy Policy © 2016 TeachVLearn